
26 October 2015

MFBTY to have their first solo concert!

MFBTY will be having their first solo concert!

The group was made 2 years ago with Tiger JK, Yoon Mi Rae, and Bizzy. The three incredibly talented hiphoppers will be standing on stage for their first ever concert as MFBTY on November 20th at Seoul's Understage.

The group said, "It'll be a hybrid stage with the 'Feel Ghood Band' that consists of our label's artists and crew, and we'll have a high quality stage. It's our first solo concert under the name MFBTY, so we're putting efforts into having charismatic stages and an amazing visual performance."


1 comment:

  1. 미 오픈시·포천 몽베르 ▽탁구 코리아오… yi...타이거즈이지은...m
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